Rex Klister
Rex Blue Klister (14F to 23F Icy Snow)
For icy and hard track. Famous for its durability. In abrasive conditions can be used as a base wax for other klisters and grip waxes.
Rex Gold Klister (19F to 37F Man-made Snow)
A new product for coarse snow, man-made snow and glazed tracks. Tested and approved by all major world cup teams in cross country.
Rex Purple Klister (19F to 38F Wet, Old Snow)
A durable klister for wide temperature range. For coarse wet snow and coarse icy snow.
Rex OV Brown Klister (32F to 50F Wet, Old Snow)
A special klister for coarse and wet snow. One of our top products!
Rex Universal Klister (-22F to 50F All Conditions)
An effective klister for new and wet snow.
For all kinds of klister conditions. Due to new, enhanced formula, it is easier to apply.