Skier Profiles
By using the following profiles, we can work together to select skis or a ski package that will meet all of your needs. Select the profile that best describes you and then choose equipment rated for that profile. Or give us a call, (715) 634-8685 – let us know which profile you are, and we'll help you pick out your equipment.
Profile 1. Beginner
You've skied very little or not at all.
Profile 2. Novice
You've begun to grasp technique and balance, but you're not yet sure-footed at medium speed. You can turn with control at slow speeds.
Profile 3. Intermediate
Your technique, balance and turning are pretty good at medium speeds. You still fall occasionally, mainly at high speeds.
Profile 4. Advanced
You seldom fall and have good technique, balance and turning skills.
Profile 5. Expert
Excellent balance and turning skills at all speeds.